Below you will find the information for Fall water polo for girls. Age Group is 6th-8th graders (and experienced 5th graders) & Jr Polo is 2nd-5th grade. Both groups will workout Mon & Wed nights.
Workouts begin Mon, Aug 29th, 6:15 pm at Stanford’s Avery Aquatic Center.
Information regarding tournament details, registration info, workout times, and more can be found below.
To Register please complete the following 4 steps:
STEP 1) If your daughter is new to the club &in Age Group, go to link below to order your personalized water polo caps for workouts. (those who already have Stanford caps skip to #3) (and Jr Polo players do not need to order caps, we have some for workout) There is a one time $80 cost for these caps and you will pay below under Step #3 part B).
Click here to order your cap
STEP 2) Join USA Water Polo and do the 1-time age verification (if you haven’t already).
New to water polo, join as a Bronze member (this is prorated for the rest of 2016). Be sure you put Stanford Water Polo as your club. Athletes must be a member of USAWP to practice and compete.
Age Verification link (a one time issue)We will see you Aug 29th at Stanford’s Avery Aquatic Center.