Winter League Dec 14-15 (Revised Sunday at Gunn as of 12/13 1:30)

(Gunn now starts one hour earlier on Sunday, please see the revised schedule for Sunday only)

The teams and schedule is posted below.  Be sure you look at all teams and make sure you are on time.
Teams are based on your tournament availability RSVP.

Be sure you bring a photo copy of your USA Water Polo card with ID.
For each game we will need someone to help at the desk. Parents please help and coordinate.

Have Fun!

Dec 14-15 Team and Schedule

Equipment Order form for Team Gear – Deadline Dec 5th

The deadline for winter equipment order form is Thur, Dec 5th.  Bring form and fee to any workout by the 5th.  No late orders will be accepted.

You can order Team Parkas, jackets, swim suits, t-shirts, swim caps and more.

All athletes must have a team swim suit and swim caps (and should have a shirt or jacket) for competitions.

Equipment Order Form

Parka order form
(we order team parkas in the winter only)

College Water Polo at Stanford (including Men’s NCAAs)

Come watch Stanford Women’s Water Polo on Sunday, Nov 10th, at the scrimmage tournament.  FREE Admission.

9:00       Stanford – SJSU
10:00     Davis – Cal
11:20     SJSU – Davis
12:20     Stanford – Cal
1:40       Cal – SJSU
2:40       Stanford – Davis

Also, the 2013 Men’s NCAA Water Polo Championships are coming to Stanford’s Avery Aquatic Center, Dec 7 & 8. 
For more information:

2013 NCAA Water Polo info

Winter 2013-14 info coming soon

The complete information and registration for the winter season will be posted in the next 1-2 weeks.

Basic info right now is that all high school practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays at Stanford and all age group (8th grade and younger) practices will be Mondays and Wednesdays at Sacred Heart Prep.

The first workouts are on the week of December 2.

If you are new to the club, you can find the link to last year’s winter season information by following this link. There will be small changes to this year’s program, but looking at last year’s info will give you an idea of how the season is formatted.

Champions Cup team info & payment

Congrats to the following players will be representing our club at the USA Water Polo Fall Champions Cup, Nov 9-11, at the University of Indiana.

Zoe Banks, Claire Billman, Stephanie Chiang, Sara Donato, Emma Ford, Sabrina   Hall, Ella Heald, Madison Lewis , Isabella Mandema, Maddie Maxwell, Nadia Paquin, Camille Russell, Allison Sullivan Wu, Olivia Tobin

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