Junior Olympics Info and Early-Bird Ticket Prices

The USA Water Polo home page for the 2014 Junior Olympics is here: http://www.usawaterpolo.org/juniorolympics/

Junior Olympics Website ScreenshotFrom that page you’ll be able to find the schedule, results, and other information.

The Junior Olympics are split into two different sessions:

Session One (July 26-29)

  • 10&U Girls
  • 12&U Boys
  • 14&U Boys
  • 16&U Boys
  • 18&U Boys

Session Two (July 31 – Aug 3)

  • 10&U Mixed
  • 12&U Girls
  • 14&U Girls
  • 16&U Girls
  • 18&U Girls

Since we are hosting this year, we’ll need plenty of volunteers. The girls teams and parents will be volunteering during the boys’ tournament (session one) and vice versa. (Volunteers will not need to buy tickets for session one.)

Finally, you can order advanced tickets for the JOs at “early bird” prices through July 15th. Tickets can be purchased from this link: http://www.usawaterpolo.org/juniorolympics/tickets.html

18U Junior Olympic rosters

18ACaroline Anderson, Courtney Batcheller, Kristin Denney, Anna Edgington, Jessica Heilman, Malaika Koshy, Emma Malysz, Morgan McCracken, Katherine Moore, Tayler Peters, Niki Reynolds, Sami Strutner, Caitlin Stuewe, Natalie Williams, McKenna Yates

Sam Acker, Maggie Ball, Bianca Batista, Susan Cantoni, Audrey Flower, Katie French, Francesca Gilles, Taira Hovden, Katie Keifer, Mackenzie Rosenthal, Shannon Taliaferro, Terez Touhey, Tess Van Hulsen, Jalene Weatherholt, Anna Yu

June 14-15 weekend.

The rosters and game times for West Valley are posted below. Wear your team gear (caps, suits, shirts) for all games.
Arrive 45 min before your first game AND BRING YOUR PHOTO ID TO ALL GAMES

June 14-15 West Valley Rosters & Times
Contact your coach if you have questions re: games this weekend.

1)If you are playing at West Valley College buy a parking permit. Please park in lot 7 .
2) There is a gate fee of $3 per person at both sites.
3) Be respectful of the referees as we adjust to the new rules.

16 JO Quals rosters have been posted.  Game times will be emailed out and you can view the full schedule at www.pacificwaterpolo.com


2014 Junior Olympic Quals Rosters

Below are the rosters for all JO Quals teams (listed alpha by first name).
As we stated these may not be the final JO Rosters.  There are still spots available on many teams and those not making JO Quals rosters will be put on local tournament rosters if you can attend.

2014 JO Quals Rosters

This weekend:
Sat – 16 JO Quals East Bay.  12s & 14s at West Valley
Sun – 16 JO Quals East Bay.  18B at West Valley

Schedules will be posted for all tournaments soon.

West Valley Schedule, June 7 & 8 (Sunday Parking Update)

The rosters and times for games are posted below. Wear your team gear (caps, suits, shirts) for all games.  If you ordered team gear and it is not in, wear a water polo suit but you should have swim caps.
June 7-8 West Valley tourney

1)If you are playing at West Valley College buy a parking permit. Please park on lot 7 on Sat, see below Sun.
Note regarding parking at West Valley Sunday:
Please be advised that due to the annual Lupus Run/Walk event this Sunday, June 8, certain roads and parking lots will be closed from 6am to Noon.
Open lots: Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5
Closed lots: Lots 1, 6 and 7
Closed roadways: Theater Way and South College Circle
Best access roads: Science Way and Career Way.
Admissions Way and Athletics Way will also be open with an officer directing traffic

2) There is a gate fee of $3 per person at both sites.
3) Be respectful of the referees as we adjust to the new rules.

Next up June 12-14 weekend: The calendar is updated on the site.
12s, 14s & some 18s at West Valley.  16s at JO Quals.  Other 18s TBD.  Rosters and times will be posted next week once the tournament schedule is finalized.