Category Archives: Uncategorized

Upcoming Events

Please read the attached for information on all programs this spring and early summer.  As always we will post information, signups and announcements here when they become available. Please check regularly.

2012 what is next

Jan 28-29 Teams

The teams and schedule for this weekend are below.  This is the final weekend of the winter and we expect everyone will be there eager to play.  Be sure to arrive 45 min, or 1 hour if we are hosting, before your first game.  And we will need a parent to help at the desk every game.  Have Fun!

Jan 28-29 teams

New Club Pins

Put them on your backpack or trade them.    $2 each

Available at the Pizza & Polo for Age Group & Jr Polo.  Will be available for everyone all winter.

Upload your picture for USA Water Polo card TODAY

USA Water Polo is starting to begin a verification process where athletes will need to provide proof of identity at all championships, and some zones are doing it for every tournament.

USAWP will be mailing out new cards, with your picture, March 20th.  Please be sure to go online, login, and upload a picture.  By doing this now it will save huge hassles later in the season.

Thank you and please remind your teammates.

Age Group Spring Update

1.  No workout Monday, April 13 due to pool closure at Casti.  We will still have water polo Tue & Thur.
2.  Final Spring League tournament is April 19 (teams and times to be posted that week)

Bake-Off and BlastOff Success

We would like to thank everyone for making the Blastoff to Beijing the best water polo event ever. If you have not heard, the game was a sell out and we had to turn people away at the gate.  An estimated 3000 people were in attendance which is the largest crowd to watch a women’s water polo game on US soil.
 Crowd  Introductions

And the Bake Off was amazing.  Great creativity, use of props and great tasting.
bake off  bake off 2 bake off2