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College Water Polo at Stanford (including Men’s NCAAs)

Come watch Stanford Women’s Water Polo on Sunday, Nov 10th, at the scrimmage tournament.  FREE Admission.

9:00       Stanford – SJSU
10:00     Davis – Cal
11:20     SJSU – Davis
12:20     Stanford – Cal
1:40       Cal – SJSU
2:40       Stanford – Davis

Also, the 2013 Men’s NCAA Water Polo Championships are coming to Stanford’s Avery Aquatic Center, Dec 7 & 8. 
For more information:

2013 NCAA Water Polo info

Champions Cup team info & payment

Congrats to the following players will be representing our club at the USA Water Polo Fall Champions Cup, Nov 9-11, at the University of Indiana.

Zoe Banks, Claire Billman, Stephanie Chiang, Sara Donato, Emma Ford, Sabrina   Hall, Ella Heald, Madison Lewis , Isabella Mandema, Maddie Maxwell, Nadia Paquin, Camille Russell, Allison Sullivan Wu, Olivia Tobin

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Fall Equipment Order Form – Due Mon, Sept 9

Athletes need to have to following gear:  team swim suit, team caps (both black and white for field players as your swim cap must match game cap), Fall team t-shirt (new).  Suggested purchase is team jacket.  Team Parkas will be available during the winter session.

Please bring form and check or cash to workout this Wednesday, or Monday.  Because the suits are custom made we do not have an inventory and will need to order them.

2013 Equipment Form