Category Archives: Registration

Summer Water Polo Registration

Thanks everyone for their patience as we put together PayPal as an option for the first time. Reminder that the athletes & parent meeting is tonight 7:30pm at the Avery Aquatic Center, in the stands.

Here is the final registration form required for each athlete, whether paying by check or PayPal: 2012 Summer Registration Form

For those that want to pay with PayPal, please go here: PayPal payment page.

As a reminder, here is the general info for the 2012 summer season: 2012 summer flier

Groups are based on the grade you are in now, the 2011-12 academic year.

Update: Registration form coming soon! New late reg deadline.

Thank you for your patience with the registration form. It will be ready very soon.

Athletes will register at the May 3 meeting with no late penalty.

The registration deadline will be a postmark of Wednesday May 9. We cannot take hand delivery on that day because we’ll be off to the NCAA Championships in San Diego! Any delivery or postmark after May 9 will incur the $35 late registration fee.

May 3rd meeting at 7:30 will be at the Avery Aquatic Center, in the stands.

Summer Water Polo – 2012

Summer water polo starts May 21st. The information and schedule is below for Age Group and High School.

We are finalizing some details to offer PayPal as an option to pay your dues.  Because of this we will wait to post the registration form.  Wanted to get this out now for everyone.

2012 Summer Flier

Once again, this is the information only so that families can plan – we will post the registration form as soon as we are all set with PayPal option. Thanks for your patience.

We will post Jr Polo later.  First day is June 11th for Jr Polo.

Spring Age Group Signups

Spring begins on Wed, Feb 22.  We will be playing water polo Monday & Wednesday and swimming on Thursdays.  Be sure you look at the table on the form with days and times carefully as they vary.

The spring programs includes swimming on Thursdays.  Stroke work and conditioning will be the basis of the workouts.  For those that are already on a swim team and swim days opposite water polo, you do not have to attend Thur workouts (and there is a modified fee).  Everyone else is signing up for the full spring program (water polo and swimming).
Register before Feb 17th to avoid the late fee.

Spg Age Group Reg & Info

(Jr Polo spring session to be posted shortly)

Winter 2011-12 Registration Open

Nov 28 is the start date for Winter Polo.  The Basic information as well as registrations forms are below.  Be sure you complete the correct registration form.  High School, Age Group (most 6-8th graders) or Jr Polo (5th grade/under).

After Nov 1 you must renew your USA Water Polo membership for 2012.  Please be sure you re-reg as a Gold member.

Winter Information

High School Reg Form
Age Group Reg Form
Jr Polo Reg Form

Tournament Availability and Equipment Order forms (including parkas) will be posted in the next week.

Winter Season Info Coming Soon

High school players interested in winter water polo should check back here in the first week of November for an update on registration.

If you are looking for more details, you can look at last winter’s info to get a better idea of how the winter works. To find it, scroll down and look for “Categories” on the far left of the website. Then click “Registration Info” and scroll until you find Winter Water Polo Information posted November 9, 2010.

Information has also been posted on the Calendar function of this site.

Fall Junior Polo Info (8/26 updated)

The Junior Polo program is coed and is designed for athletes aged 11 and younger with little to no previous water polo experience. The program will run from Sept 12-Oct 29, with practices Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30-6:45 at Roble Pool on Stanford campus.

Please pass the word so we have lots of girls in Junior Polo for the fall session!

For more information and to register click below.

Fall Jr Polo

Fall Polo for 8th grade/under

Fall polo begins Wed, Sept 7th.
Register before Sept 2nd to avoid the late fee.
Workouts will be Mon & Wed nights at Stanford.  All 6th, 7th & 8th graders (new & experienced) are welcome.

Below is the reg form.  In addition, we ask that all athletes complete the tournament availability document.  This is the link below.  Please let us know if your daughter can attend each of the Fall League Competition Days.  All athletes are eligible to compete and we will enter more than one team to allow for plenty of playing time.

2011 Fall Reg & Info

Tournament Link

Jr Polo for 5th graders and under will be posted soon.
Workouts will most likely be Mon & Wed 5:30-6:45 at Roble Gym Pool.  Start date TBD.  Please keep checking back.

Semi Private Lessons

This is the second year we are offering small group lessons taught by our coaches and members of the Stanford Women’s Water Polo team.  For all those players that want extra help at their position, or shooting, take advantage of this program.

Below are the info pages and reg forms for the weeks. We staggered the skill work so players can do multiple skills on the same day.  Each week is different so take a look.

Week #2 (June 20-24)  room is still available.
#2 Info
# 2 reg form

Week #3 (June 27-29, nothing on Fri, July 1)
Week #4 (July 11-15)
Week #5 (July 18-22)

#3-5 Info
#3-5 reg form