Spring water polo begins Feb 25th. This is for 6th-8th grade girls. All registration information and forms are below.
(Jr Polo 5th grade/under will be posted soon)
Spring Flier – Age Group Water Polo
There are 3 steps to register:
1)  If you did NOT play winter water polo with Stanford club, go to Link below to order your personalized water polo caps for workouts. (those who played winter w/ Stanford skip to #2). There is a one time $65 cost for these caps.
Click Here
2)Â Â Pay using PayPal online with the buttons below; first pay for the spring polo fees, then separately pay for the practice caps if you did not play winter polo:
Spring Polo Fees
New to Club – Need to purchase Practice Caps
3) Mail this form to: TWPC (Tanner Water Polo Corporation),  PO Box 19620, Stanford, CA 94309. Or scan and email to susan@stanfordwaterpolo.com
QUESTIONS?? Contact Kelsey Holshouser, Director of Age Group Water Polo, at kelsey@stanfordwaterpolo.com