Stanford is offering 3 Holiday Clinics for girls on December, 20, 2014. All clinics are at Stanford’s Avery Aquatic Center. Girls 13+ with 1 year of experience are welcome.
Athletes can sign up for all 3 or any number of clinics.
Session I – Position Skill Work & Technical Drills
10:00-11:45 am
Athletes will work on position based skills of their choice (2meters, defender, goalie, driver/attacker). Detailed focus on techniques that can be used with any program
Session 2 – Shooting & Scrimmage
12:30-2:15 pm
The focus will be on perimeter shooting. Both the mechanics and accuracy of shooting. 2meter players will focus on shots from the center position. Session concludes with a scrimmage applying the techniques we have worked on earlier in the clinics.
Session 3 – Scrimmage & Team Tactics
2:45-4:30 pm
Main focus will be on team oriented skills and applying the shooting and position skill work in a game like setting (scrimmage).
To register click here