JO Quals for 12s and 14s

The schedule has not been announced yet.  We will post that information as soon as it becomes available.  Games will be on Sat & Sun, June 19 & 20.

Here are the rosters for this weekend:
12s: Akin, Deal, Denney, Dillon, Edgington, Johnston, Koshy, Kramer, Kunwar, A.Ponce, L.Westerman

14 Red: Adamski, Anderson, Denney, Edgington, Goff, Lawrence, Malysz, J.Ponce, Strutner, A.Westerman, Williams, Wong, Zelinger  14 White: Flamen, Heilman, Jackson, Kervick, Killea, Mcgrath, Moore, Reidy, Rosenthal, Stuewe, Valentine, Wolfe, Yu, Zafran